
We strive to provide quality educational opportunities for all our members – from the youngest children to older members interested in completing their education or seeking additional training in a chosen field.

head start program

The Coldwater Aboriginal Head Start Program currently encourages the growth and development of 41 of our community’s children aged 0-4. It includes a Parent & Tots program and a Nursery Program for the 4 year olds.

coldwater school logo

We run the Nc'?etk?u Band School on the Coldwater reserve serving 23 members from pre-Kindergarten to grade 7, an accredited elementary school. We also run the Resource Tech Adult Program out of the same facility with 34 students currently enrolled. The school was built in 1997 and includes state-of-the-art classrooms, outdoor learning spaces, an administration area, and a gymnasium that can accommodate up to 300 people.

Other young Coldwater members attend primary and secondary schools in nearby Merritt, which is part of School District 58.certificates
Members also take part in degree and diploma programs at local colleges and universities such as the Nicola Valley Institute of Technology (NVIT) in Merritt, Thompson Rivers University in Kamloops, and through various Open Learning programs. There are currently 16 Coldwater members attending college or university, and over the years Coldwater members have attained numerous certificates, diplomas, Bachelors degrees and Masters degrees.

nicola valley institute

The Band’s Education Department is committed to our students’ success and provides support in the form of sponsorship for Post Secondary utilizing available federal education funding as well as a bursary for the Bachelor of Social Work program at the Nicola Valley Institute of Technology NVIT.

Another aspect of education is traditional culture and language. Currently we offer cultural programs at the Band Hall where members can learn traditional skills like making dipnets, drums, baskets, and moccasins. We are in the process of restoring a sheestkin (pithouse) located next to the Nc’tetkwu Band School so that it can be used for cultural education programs.
